Welcome to My Website!

Kasia J. Lynch


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Welcome! With gratitude for the encouragement from family and friends, the doors to my virtual gallery are now open.

Please feel free to go to the menu at the top or left side of the page where you will see a list of categories. Some of the categories have links that will take you to pages with additional images. Each page features a thumbnail gallery of my artwork. Clicking on a thumbnail  will take you to a larger display of individual images through which you can easily scroll.  Then simply close the display to move on to other pages. I am gradually moving images around and creating new pages to make your visit more pleasurable. Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy my work. Feel free to leave a comment and share my site with your friends and family.


9 thoughts on “Welcome to My Website!”

    1. Thank you so very much for checking out my site Bonnie! Those years at CCA were very dear to my heart and the students inspired me every day! I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to work with them!


    1. Thanks Carole! I wish I could tell you how to follow my site but I’m still trying to figure things out myself. I have followed other people but it’s because they showed up in my “Blogs you might like.” I suggest just investigate things in your reader and search out different sites. I’m trying to find how to follow you too! I look forward to seeing more of your writings…Best of luck to you and Thanks again!


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